Homebrewing Deconstructed - Brain Sparging on Brewing


Sour beer, saisons, farmhouse beer, homebrewing, ramblings

Homebrewing Deconstructed

Something I've had the idea about for a while was writing some coherent analysis of some of the modern homebrewing myths/over-simplified rules. A lot of what I see on the beer forums, particularly ones with a lot of newer brewers, is repetition of bad information. Some of it comes in the way of mythology passed from one brewer to the next with no scientific support or even the benefit of common sense. Sometimes fairly accurate information gets passed around but it's been so simplified and extracted from reality that it just becomes a bumper sticker slogan (is that term still relevant? who still uses bumper stickers?) without any context or usefulness. It's not always new brewers spreading the bad info. It's often coming from experienced brewers who see themselves as guardians of homebrewing but are really just flaming new brewers with a lot of arrogance and very little useful information.

I thought it would be helpful to take some of these myths and deconstruct why they are wrong and put the context back in the oversimplified rules. So the "Homebrewing Deconstructed" posts will serve that purpose. I will collect them here for easy access. If you disagree with what I have said, I do invite you to have a fair-minded conversation. There's no reason for hostility or personal attacks in discussing what makes good beer.

Deconstructed: Four Week Primary - Not every beer you make needs months before it is ready to drink.

Deconstructed: No Secondary, Ever - Sometimes a secondary is the right thing to do.

Deconstructed: That Infection Looks Like... - No, you cannot look at an infection and accurately guess what it is.

Deconstructed: Too much sugar will create a cidery beer -  This old swill continues to plague homebrewers.

Deconstructed: Kettle Lid and DMS -  If your lid is partially on the kettle to improve heat efficiency, it will not cause DMS

Deconstructed: Time heals everything - You know you've heard this trash before.

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